We’d like to be your go-to shop for cattle feed and supplements through each season of production, together making your animals the best they can be.
Cattle Feed and Supplements
- 225lb Purina® Protein Tubs
- 225lb Purina® Mineral Tubs
- 50lb bags of Loose Mineral
- Fly Mineral Tubs
- Loose Fly mineral
- Bulk Cattle Feed
- Bagged Cattle Feed
- Show Blends
- Purina® Accuration®
- Loose Salt
- Salt Blocks
Calf Feed
- Purina® Ampli-Calf®
- Milk
- Custom Calf Mixes
For more information on Purina’s line of
Cattle products, click the logo below:
Cattle products, click the logo below:
Custom Cattle Feed
We start with Purina® concentrates, add locally grown corn, and other ingredients to improve value. Concentrates include, but are not limited to Purina’s Accuration® line of self-fed products, Show 4-T-Fyer mixes, All Natural Protein, and more to cover all ages and classes of cattle. For pick-up or delivery. 500 lbs. minimum required for grind and mixing.
Tips from Purina Mills®
Call us at (970) 854-2174
for more information